Born and raised in the rural suburbs of Cleveland, Steve fell in love with music at an early age and soon settled on drumming as his main focus. His mission to build the best band around was rewarded in 2001 when unique leader records signed an odious sanction and released Psychotically Enraged. This put him in position to capitalize on an opportunity to join the well established New York outfit and century media recording artists, immolation. In 2005, Steve recorded odious sanction’s No Motivation To Live, and Immolation’s Harnessing Ruin for unique leader records and century media/listenable records respectively.
Since that time Steve has recorded five more albums with Immolation, including the well received 2017 release Atonement for Nuclear Blast Records.
Beginning in 2003, Steve has toured extensively with Immolation in North, Central and South America, Europe, the Ukraine, Iceland, Australia and New Zealand and played in India and Asia for the first time in 2018.
His style and attributes are well known and have garnered him endorsements with his favorite cymbal company, Sabian and the prestigious Axis Percussion. Immolation is already preparing their next release and plan on increasing the scope of their touring in support of this next project.

- Axis X Longboards
- Axis E-Kits